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The Rule of 3 [Club Libertine 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

  “Welcome ladies and gentlemen, or should I say Doms and subs, of the lifestyle clubs of the northwest. I appreciate you all taking the time to come here and listen to my ideas on moving forward. Of course, we have a lot to talk about with regard to aspects of play and new techniques and equipment. Later in the day, we’ll be having small group sessions with experts in various aspects of our lifestyle and vendors of equipment and toys to consider adding to your dungeons, either at your club or your own private play place.

  “And I hope that next year we can talk about having a bigger, more public get-together. Many cities now hold such gatherings as the All About Sex show in Toronto. I suggest we create a working group to discuss the viability and logistics. We’ll have an afternoon session for anyone who wants to participate in planning.

  “But those topics are for this afternoon. Right now, I want to talk to you all about the upsurge in interest by the general public. Some are clearly people who have been interested in the lifestyle but haven’t had the courage to pursue it. Some might not even have known that there were others like them who had formed groups, clubs, where they could explore their interests in safety.

  “But ever since the Fifty Shades of Grey books came out, BDSM is part of the public consciousness. I’m not here to debate the merits of the books or the accuracy of their depiction of our lifestyle. What I will say is that they’ve given us mainstream acceptance, but they’ve also put a spotlight on us. Club Libertine has had a deluge of new applications as I am sure your clubs have had, too.”

  Mac could hear the murmurs of agreement around the room. He scanned the crowd. They were serious and nodding.

  “Screening all these new members is taking up a lot of resources. So many of them are curious, but would run from an actual flogging. And as for playing with a real Dom, well, let me just say that they have no real idea what they are getting themselves into. Others just want to join so they can come and judge us.

  “I have a plan. What I propose is a better screening process, a common screening process so someone is evaluated only once, and so someone who is deemed unsuitable doesn’t go from club to club.

  “What I’d like to see is a common evaluation process. Unless they had a referral from another club or a trusted member, they should be required to attend an introductory workshop so they can be assessed. We, the various clubs, would take turns hosting this introductory workshop at a neutral location and evaluate prospective members before they get anywhere near one of our clubs.”

  He went on to provide a lot more detail. His proposal had, not surprisingly, generated a lot of discussion, most of it favorable. After a while, Nick found himself only half listening as he watched Sarah taking notes in the back. She was adorable as she chewed on the end of her pen. He watched as she sucked on it and he desperately wished it was his cock between her ruby lips. He checked his watch. They’d be taking a break in an hour. He would make sure that he was waiting for her when that happened. He wanted to talk to her. Maybe that would end this crazy infatuation that he was feeling. They hadn’t exchanged a word. Maybe that’s why he could think of nothing but her. He tried to tell himself that once she opened her mouth and he realized that she was an airhead or unkind to puppies or was a fan of the Kardashians, he’d realize that she was just another sub. Therefore, he had to talk to her. It was as simple as that.

  Except it wasn’t. There was something about her, something that called to him on a primal level. From the moment he’d seen her walking so hesitantly into the hall, he’d wanted to wrap her in his arms and protect her from the world. Except, of course, when he had her strapped down and helpless to escape his lash. He’d show her just how wonderful Fire and Ice…crap! Where had that thought come from? He’d teach her the joy that the pain from Ice could bring. Nothing more. Fire was no longer a part of his life.

  He turned back to the discussion that seemed to be heating up.

  “I have a proposal.” Mac’s voice cut through the babble of voices. “I’ll pay for a location to host the first year’s sessions. I have a place in mind. It’s safe and clean and has absolutely no ties to any of our clubs. I’ll even offer up Club Libertine staff to handle the first session in February and the rest of the clubs can observe and make recommendations for future sessions. . Then, going forward, I think it would be best if the sessions are handled in teams, with reps from two clubs handling the March workshop. Once we get going, maybe the teams could rotate quarterly. But we don’t need to decide that now.

  “I would like volunteers for the first quarter. As I said, Club Libertine will put together the initial workshop agenda and teach the first one. Who’s up for March?”

  Once it was agreed that Club Libertine would do the first session alone to work out the kinks, so to speak, there wasn’t much more to do but line up clubs to take responsibility for the next few sessions. The Pussy Kat Klub and The Dungeon offered to take March. No one offered to take April, May and June. One more time, Mac asked for volunteers and Nick noted with interest the hand raised in the back row.

  * * * *

  Sarah had enjoyed the talk. Mac had made a lot of sense. She wished that the Dom who was supposed to accompany her was there, but Peter was ill. Poor Peter. She would try to call him on one of the breaks and see how he was doing. He was so sweet and kind. And smoking hot. Too bad he was gay. Oh, and he was her friend.

  She was so new at the club and was not sure she was able to commit to anything. He’d been there for almost two years and was a House Dom. But she was also a teacher, and she knew she could do a good job. Hopefully, she wouldn’t get in trouble for volunteering. And it might even be good for the club, get them some publicity.

  So, she raised her hand and then stood when Mac acknowledged her.

  “I am interested in volunteering. I’m a teacher. But I don’t know if I can commit on the spot. The Collars and Cuffs Dom who was coming with me was ill and I have to check with him, but I think it’s a great idea.”

  “If you can’t speak for your club, then I suggest you don’t speak at all.” Jared Graves from Spanked was notorious for his adherence to high protocol. “In fact, I’m not sure why a sub is here at all.”

  “She’s allowed to speak, because I want to hear from all of our representatives, Mr. Graves. In fact, I made it clear in my invitation that this was not just a meeting of Doms.”

  “And you know my thoughts on that, Whelan. A sub’s place is on his or her knees, serving their Dom, not giving opinions.”

  Sarah sat down abruptly. She’d felt so good at first, but now she just wanted the floor to open up and swallow her.

  “And that is your opinion, Mr. Graves. Clearly your vision of BDSM is not the same as mine, and your objections are noted.” He then turned to Sarah and smiled.

  “Thank you for volunteering, Sarah. We’ll pencil C&C in, and you can get back to me once you check with you club. Now that this beautiful sub has spoken up, surely one of you Doms can do the same!”

  Sarah felt herself blushing as all eyes turned to her. Most were approving, but Jared Graves, the Dom from Spanked, just glared and tried to interrupt her.

  She tried to ignore him. She’d felt good when Mac Whelan had smiled in approval. And after she’d spoken up, a half dozen other club reps had offered to discuss the matter with their own management and get back to Mac.

  During the discussion, she’d forgotten about Silver Eyes for a minute. When she checked, he wasn’t in his observation spot, but she hadn’t seen him leave. Oh, well. She grabbed her purse and followed the crowd out to the other room where some tables had been set up. Food was served buffet-style and then people could sit at any of the tables they choose.

  Most of the Doms were particularly gentlemanly, especially when they realized she was there alone. Only Jared Graves had been annoying, talking over her during the open discussion and refusing to listen when she or the other subs tried to speak until someone told him to sit down and shut up.

  She was relieved when t
hey finally broke for lunch. For the afternoon sessions, she’d find out where Graves would be and go elsewhere.

  Mac had arranged for a lovely spread. After visiting the ladies’ room, she joined a short line of subs in filling a plate with the small sandwiches, an array of veggies and some luscious pieces of strawberry and kiwi. Then she looked around for a place to sit.

  “How about over there?” One of the other subs pointed to a table for six that was unoccupied.

  “Can we?” another asked timidly.

  “Of course,” Sarah declared. “This is a conference, not a play session.” She led the way over to the table. She had set her plate down when she heard a voice ring out.

  “Subs, knees, now!”

  The other subs had sunk gracefully to their knees under his withering gaze, but Sarah had stood and looked around. Graves, of course.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Is that how you address a Dom?”

  “You aren’t my Dom. I’m not your sub. I’m not taking your orders.”

  “Is this impertinence allowed in your club? Clearly we have to re-evaluate whether Collars and Cuffs is fit to be a member organization.”

  Sarah felt her heart pounding. She didn’t want to be responsible for problems at the club, but on the other hand, she’d never been made to feel as a lesser being there, just because she was a sub.

  She wished Peter, the Dom who was supposed to accompany here, was present. He wouldn’t stand for this. And, she realized, he couldn’t expect her to stand for this.

  Pulling out her chair, she sat down. Or rather, she tried. Moving quickly, Graves grabbed at it, trying to pull it out from under her.

  There was a collective gasp. At first, she thought it was because of Graves, but then she realized that someone else had joined the fray.

  It was him, she realized, the silver-eyed Dom she’d met earlier, and he looked furious. She almost slid to her knees before she realized his anger was directed at Graves.

  “Stay out of this, Iceman. I’m handing this disrespectful sub.”

  “All I see here is a disrespectful Dom. Hands off her chair, Graves.”

  “Really, you’d let subs sit when there are Doms without chairs? Going soft, are we, Nick? Without Fire, Ice is useless?” He leaned forward, but Sarah could still hear his words, “I know all about Jackie. You’re a pussy, Della Corte, spending years moping about over that slut Jackie you shared with your best friend. I’ve heard all about her.”

  After that, things happened quickly. Nick Della Corte, that was his name, had pulled Jared close. She couldn’t hear Nick’s words, but Graves had sunk not so gracefully to his knees. Nick turned and smiled. “Ladies, the table is yours.”

  Gratefully, they all took their seats. Sarah realized that her heart was thumping in her chest and her clit was throbbing between her legs as she watched him serve himself at the buffet and then take a seat at a table with the executives of Club Libertine.

  When Sarah had glanced over at Graves, shocked that he was still on his knees, he’d caught her eye and given her a look that had caused her to shiver. She was glad they didn’t play at the same club. In fact, she’d be happy if she never met him again.

  On the other hand, she’d very much like to meet the Dom with the silver eyes. Nick. His name was Nick, she reminded herself. Or maybe not. She glanced at him again. He winked at her, but stayed where he was, sitting with Mac Whelan and Mac’s head of security, Sean O’Malley. Judging by the body language, she thought that he might work for Sean or even Mac. He was clearly someone important, to be at that table.

  He made her uncomfortable, too, but in a different way. He wouldn’t be an easy Dom to submit to. He looked to be hard and demanding and would expect nothing less than absolute obedience. He didn’t look like someone who played at BDSM. He wasn’t a dilettante. He was a hard man and a hard Dom. One part of her was afraid of the thought of submitting to a man like him. The other was practically begging for the chance.

  It was funny, life was. After a yearlong dry spell, she was interested in not one, but two Doms. Unfortunately, Peter was off limits. He was her best friend in Seattle, and he was gay. And even if he wasn’t gay, she didn’t want to ruin what they had when he clearly had no interest in her that way.

  Then there was Silver Eyes. Nick. She knew that was his real name, but she preferred to think of him as Silver Eyes. Whereas Peter made her feel safe and secure, this new Dom scared her, but in a good way, an arousing way. It was funny. They were so different, but both called to something deep within her. If only, she mused, she could fuse the two of them together. They’d make the perfect Dom. Although, if she did fuse them together, she’d want to keep both cocks. She’d read a book about an alien with two cocks once. It had sounded…satisfying.

  She was chewing thoughtfully on her lunch and musing more about aliens with two cocks when one of the subs leaned over to her. “Oh, you are so lucky. The Iceman is interested in you.” Maisie sounded happy and envious.

  “The Iceman?” Graves had said something about Ice. And fire.

  Her simple question opened a floodgate of information that she had no idea how to turn off, or if she even wanted to. All of the subs at her table chimed in.

  “Nick Della Corte. He’s a legend at Club Libertine. At one time, he was part of a double team, Fire and Ice.” Sandy sighed.

  “Yeah, but I hear they broke up over a sub. They don’t even talk anymore!” Lilly whispered as if she was afraid of being overheard.

  “What a waste! I can’t imagine what it would have been like be burned by both Fire and Ice. Just submitting to Ice was almost too much for me!” Sandy grinned and winked.

  “Don’t get greedy. Ice would be more than enough for me, but he’s picked you, Sarah, you lucky bitch!” Maisie teased.

  “He’s picked you, but remember, he’s never collared a sub, not in ages, but anyone he’s played with…” Lilly sighed. “They all say he’s the absolute best. But I hear he hasn’t been the same since he had his heart broken by that bitch Jackie,” Lily continued.

  “You’re crazy. The Iceman doesn’t have a heart. He does have a gigantic cock, though,” Maisie retorted with a laugh.

  “You are right about that. I played with him once and walked funny for a week afterward. It was worth it, though.” Sandy giggled, “He is amazing!”

  “Ignore her, she’s just delusional,” Maisie advised. “So, are you going to play with him?”

  “If you don’t want him, I’ll take him!” pleaded Sandy. “Please!”

  Sarah couldn’t get a word in edgewise. And even if she could, the subs didn’t want the truth. They wanted an exciting story they could live vicariously through. Every single one of them was collared. Even if Ice was interested in them, they weren’t free to play with him until their Doms ordered them to do it.

  She had also never gotten to talk to her silver-eyed protector. Nick, that was his first name, but she liked thinking of him by his nickname which she was sure came from his eyes, regardless of what the chatty subs thought…Ice. The Iceman. Those subs didn’t know what they were talking about. He wasn’t cold. No, his eyes burned blazingly hot when they’d stared at her.

  She knew she’d be dreaming about him tonight.

  Chapter Two

  Nick had deliberately kept his distance at lunch. His actual plan was to accidentally bump into when everyone was leaving, but that idiot Graves had forced him to change his plan. He’d had to step in to sort things out. He hadn’t minded playing the hero. Actually, he’d enjoy it. The look of gratitude in Sarah’s eyes had made him feel like he was ten feet tall, but he wished he’d been able to prevent it in the first place. It wasn’t just Sarah that Graves had attempted to humiliate. He’d seen the look on the faces of the other subs, too.

  Graves hadn’t just acted like an idiot. He was an idiot, and he was steering Spanked down a road where the member clubs were seriously thinking of asking Spanked to leave the group. “Safe,” “sane” and “consensu
al” were more than just buzzwords. They were words the majority of them lived by. Dignity was important, too. Just because someone submitted to a Dom didn’t mean they were less important, less worthy of consideration. If anything, Doms owed subs respect for their gift.

  But they were having grave doubts about Graves, no pun intended, and by association, his club. He hoped that they didn’t have to break ties with Spanked. Hopefully, it was just Graves who would be ditched, pun intended.

  Now that Nick had put him in his place, he was called away to put out a couple of other small fires. By the time he was finished, everyone had filed back into the main hall for a short talk and demonstration by an expert on fire play and a slideshow on some new custom-made BDSM equipment. When it was over, the room they’d just eaten in would be cleared and the equipment set up for some demos and interactive displays, including the information on the equipment they’d just seen the presentation on and a chance to meet with the fire-play expert

  He took his place at the wall by the podium and looked over toward where Sarah was sitting. He could see her lustrous brunette locks. He’d love to wrap her hair around his dick, to feel the silky strands in his hands when he fucked her mouth. Oh, he had plans for her hair.

  He paused. There was something. He could feel it in his bones. And it wasn’t Sarah. Although…No. He had to shake off the feeling. Surely, he was only being paranoid. He hadn’t been interested in a woman, a sub, for anything more than casual release in more than two years. His nerves were jangled as he tried to process feelings he hadn’t had in a long time.

  But he still felt that chill, that prickling up and down his spine.

  He looked over to where she was sitting. The last time he’d watched her, she’d felt it. He knew she did. She’d looked straight at him as if they were communicating without words.

  But why wasn’t she looking his way this time? He frowned. What or who had distracted her? He moved slightly so he could see her better. She was turned to her left, talking to someone who was now sitting in the seat her briefcase had once occupied. He pushed down the churning feeling in his stomach. He couldn’t see her face, but he could read her body language. She knew this newcomer, knew him or her well. She was laughing at something that was said. Then he saw a long arm come out along the back of Sarah’s chair and she leaned back into it as she snuggled up to…someone. A man, definitely a man.